It's hard to imagine a pet that has no hair, doesn't need to be fed several times a day and walked regularly, isn't it? However, they do exist! And some of these animals are snakes! Yes, animals, albeit specific, but extremely interesting. And if you are one of those people who have long wanted to get themselves a snake, but still have not done so and do not know where and where to start - this article is for you!

How to keep snakes at home?

Contrary to popular belief, keeping snakes at home is not that difficult. All that is required of you is to create the necessary conditions of detention, feed on time, change the drinker and keep the terrarium clean. You can read a detailed manual on keeping snakes at home here .

What kind of snake to get?

So, you have already finally decided on your desire to have a legless scaly friend and most likely already have an idea of ​​what you expect from him - what size will it be? How mobile is it? Or maybe you need a specific color of the snake? Well, we present to your attention those types of snakes that, as a rule, do not cause problems in keeping and which even a person with no experience can easily cope with.


The first on our list, of course, will be the corn snake . This is the perfect snake, no matter how you look. This snake has a small size - about 120-140 cm, it has no problems with either content, appetite, or character (well, not without exceptions, of course), but I would like to write separately about the color of this snake. The fact is that the genetics of the corn snake is so diverse that you can find many dozens of different colors and different patterns and their combinations from a white snake without a pattern at all, to a burgundy red snake with spots or gray-black with polka dots on the back. corn snakes are very active, so it will be interesting to watch it both in the terrarium and to pick it up.


And for lovers of quieter snakes, the royal python is perfect . It grows to about the same size as the maize snake, but is much thicker as an adult and can be as thick as your locle. These pythons are very slow, and in case of danger they often fold into a ball (hence the English name Ball python). With this, you can watch a movie without being very distracted by a snake, and walk around the apartment, just hanging your pet around your neck. I would also like to note that recently the number of new colors of royal pythons has been growing relentlessly, so if you like the description of this snake, you have the opportunity to choose a snake by color as well.



Surely there will be people who want to get a bigger snake, but not so slow. Your attention is the rainbow boa . A kind of snake among the boas. This boa constrictor has quite a slender constitution and with a length of about 2 meters thick, it will be about the size of your elbow. But it is worth noting that among the calm rainbow boas they can get caught and quite themselves with a character that can become calmer with age. This snake also has some color variability, and as an additional bonus - a mesmerizing transfusion of scales in the sun (it's not for nothing that this boa is called rainbow).

 Let's continue our list with one more wonderful boa - the imperial boa . Do you know the expression "Calm like a boa constrictor"? This is about him (although there are exceptions, of course). The size of this snake can vary greatly - from 1 meter to 2-2.5 m. The color is also very diverse. A distinctive feature can be called the tail of a boa constrictor, the color of which differs from the main pattern - in some individuals, it remains a beautiful brown-red color throughout their lives. And if you compare the imperial boa constrictor with other snakes, holding them in your hands, you will immediately think, “Wow, what a powerful snake! One solid muscle! " And you will be right - the boa constrictor's grip is really strong, nevertheless the snake looks very proportional.

But not everyone has the opportunity to keep boas and pythons at home. If you want something smaller, but quicker - royal and milk snakes in their full range are at your disposal. Just browse the internet for the variety of dairy and king snake colors and you will surely find something to your liking. The size of these snakes varies depending on the species, but the vast majority do not exceed one meter.

And to finish the list of the most popular and least whimsical snakes, I would also like a small snake - a patterned snake . The size of this snake does not exceed 80 cm, but its color and pattern cannot be left indifferent. Another great option for those wishing to purchase a small but beautiful snake. By the way, there are several color variations of the patterned snake.

Well, that concludes our list of the most suitable snakes for beginners. I hope this article was useful to you and it helped you make the right choice. Snakes do not require much attention to themselves, and with proper care, you will receive only positive emotions from the content of these beautiful creatures. Good luck with your endeavor and welcome to the wonderful world of terrarium keeping!









